Albany Civic Theater – Albany, OR

Albany Civic Theater • Albany, OR

Now in our 74th season


We offer several ways to donate:


Donate online by following this link.


Mail a check directly to the theater:
Donations—Albany Civic Theater
PO Box 82
Albany OR 97321-0025

Ticket Add-On

Add a donation when you purchase tickets.

Cultural Trust

Maximize your tax credits
Donations to Albany Civic Theater qualify for additional tax credits under the Oregon Cultural Trust.

Employer Match

Is your employer a matching donor?
Many local companies—including Hewlett-Packard—match employee contributions to charitable causes; check with your payroll department to see if yours is one of them!

Rose TaylorThe Rose Taylor Memorial Fund for Accessibility is a special fund in Rose Taylor’s memory dedicated to making accessibility improvements to our theater. Donations for the fund may be made online or by mailing a check to the address above. When donating online, select the fund from the “What brought you to donate?” drop-down list.

Albany Civic Theater is a 501(c)(3) corporation, and your donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. We are also an Oregon Cultural Trust supported program.

And don’t forget: one of the most valuable things you can donate is your time.

Thank you for your support!